Elegance in Tussar Silk: Unveiling the Beauty of Tussar Silk Sarees

Elegance in Tussar Silk: Unveiling the Beauty of Tussar Silk Sarees


Tussar Silk, a beautiful fabric that's rich in tradition and steeped in history, has long been a staple in Indian fashion. Known for its unique texture, rich colours, and natural sheen, Tussar Silk has a distinct appeal that sets it apart from other silks. In this blog, we'll dive deep into the world of Tussar Silk, exploring various aspects of this exquisite fabric, including its origin, types, production process, and the beauty of Tussar Silk sarees.

What is Tussar Silk?

Tussar Silk, also known as tasar silk, is a type of wild silk that is primarily found in India, China, Japan, and some other countries. It is produced from the larvae of several species of silkworms belonging to the moth genus Antheraea. Unlike the silkworms used in the production of mulberry silk, tussar silkworms are wild and feed on oak, juniper, and asan plants.

What sets tussar silk apart is its unique texture and natural gold sheen. The silk has a rough texture with a rich, deep hue that makes it ideal for sarees and other traditional garments. The golden colour of tussar silk is a result of the natural pigments in the leaves of the host trees on which the silkworms feed.

Types of Tussar Silk: Exploring Diversity

Tussar Silk can be broadly categorised into two types - wild Tussar and desi Tussar.

  1. Wild Tussar: Also known as Kosa Silk, this type of Tussar is made from wild silkworms. It is generally more textured and less shiny than other types of silk.
  2. Desi Tussar: Desi Tussar, also known as vanya silk, is produced from silkworms that are cultivated on oak and other trees in India. It has a finer texture and a shinier appearance compared to wild Tussar.

The difference in texture, colour, and production processes makes each type of Tussar Silk unique and appealing in its own way.

Tussar Silk Origin: Where Does It Come From?


Tussar Silk has a rich history and cultural significance in India. The fabric has been traditionally produced in several regions in the country, including Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, and West Bengal. The production of Tussar Silk is particularly important in the tribal areas of these states, where it plays a crucial role in the local economy.

The geographical origin of Tussar Silk, with its specific climate and vegetation, contributes to the unique characteristics of the fabric. The practice of Tussar Silk production has been passed down through generations and is an integral part of the local traditions and heritage.


The Production of Tussar Silk

The production of Tussar Silk is a natural and eco-friendly process that involves the cultivation of silkworms in their natural habitat. The process begins with the collection of Tussar Silkworm cocoons from the wild or from trees where they have been cultivated.

Once the cocoons are collected, they are boiled to soften the sericin, a protein that holds the silk fibres together. The softened fibres are then spun into yarn, which is woven into fabric to create Tussar Silk material.

The production of Tussar Silk is considered more sustainable than other types of silk production because it does not involve the killing of the silkworms. The empty cocoons are returned to the forest to decompose and enrich the soil.


Tussar Silk Sarees: A Symbol of Elegance


Tussar Silk sarees are highly prized for their unique texture, rich colours, and natural sheen. The sarees are often adorned with traditional motifs and designs, making them a popular choice for weddings, festivals, and other special occasions.

In addition to traditional Tussar Silk sarees, there are also a variety of modern designs and prints available. Printed Tussar Silk fabric and Tussar Silk sarees boutiques offer a wide range of options for those looking to add a touch of luxury to their wardrobe.


The Importance of Tussar Silk Blouses

When wearing a Tussar Silk saree, the choice of blouse can make a significant difference in the overall look. The right blouse design can enhance the beauty of the saree and complement its texture and colours


There are many trendy blouse designs for Tussar Silk sarees available, ranging from simple and elegant to elaborate and ornate. The key is to choose a design that suits your personal style and the occasion.

Tussar Silk - Expensive Yet Worth It


Tussar Silk is considered a luxury fabric and is often more expensive than other types of silk. The higher price tag is justified by the quality and durability of the fabric, as well as the labour-intensive production process.

Tussar Silk is known for its luxurious qualities, including its natural sheen, rich texture, and deep colours. It is also highly durable and resistant to wrinkles, making it a practical choice for those looking for a long-lasting fabric.

Desi Tussar - A Natural Wonder

Desi Tussar, also known as Indian Tussar, is a type of Tussar Silk that is produced in India. It is known for its fine texture, rich colours, and natural sheen.

Desi Tussar is highly valued in traditional Indian clothing and is often used to make sarees, dupattas, and other garments. Its unique characteristics and natural beauty make it a popular choice among fashion enthusiasts.

Tussar Silk in Fashion

Tussar Silk has made a significant impact in the world of fashion, both in India and internationally. Many famous designers and celebrities have endorsed Tussar Silk sarees and other garments made from the fabric.

Tussar Silk sarees boutiques and stores offer a wide range of options for those looking to incorporate this luxurious fabric into their wardrobe. 

Tussar Silk Sarees- A Timeless Elegance


Tussar Silk sarees are a symbol of elegance and luxury, with their unique texture, rich colours, and natural sheen. Whether you choose a traditional Tussar Silk saree or a modern printed design, you are sure to make a statement with this exquisite fabric.

We encourage you to explore the beauty and significance of Tussar Silk sarees from Singhania’s and embrace the elegance and luxury that we bring to your wardrobe.