Diwali, the festival of lights, is a time of joy, prosperity, and celebration. Among the many rituals observed during this auspicious period, Lakshmi Puja holds a special place as it honours Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity. Performing Lakshmi Puja at home not only invites blessings but also brings families together in a shared spiritual experience. This guide will walk you through the steps of performing Lakshmi Puja and incorporate the beautiful tradition of wearing sarees, adding elegance and grace to your celebration.
Preparing for Lakshmi Puja
1. Clean Your Home: Ensure that your home is thoroughly cleaned and decorated. Goddess Lakshmi is believed to bless clean and tidy spaces.
2. Set up the Puja Area: Create a sacred space for the puja, typically an altar or a clean, elevated platform. Decorate it with flowers, rangoli (colored patterns on the floor), and diyas (oil lamps).
3. Gather Puja Essentials: Prepare the following items for the puja:
• A statue or image of Goddess Lakshmi
• Fresh flowers
• Incense sticks
• Diyas and candles
• Kalash (sacred water pot)
• Rice, fruits, sweets, and other offerings
• A bell for ringing during the puja
• Others (as per one’s preference)
1. Dhyana
The Puja should begin with the meditation on Godess Lakshmi. Dhyana should be performed in front of the Shri Lakshmi statue that has already been set up. Chant the following mantra while meditating on Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.

Ya Sa Padmasanastha Vipul-Kati-Tati Padma-Patrayatakshi,
Gambhirartav-Nabhih Stana-Bhara-Namita Shubhra-Vasttariya।
Ya Lakshmirdivya-Roopairmani-Gana-Khachitaih Svapita Hema-Kumbhaih,
Sa Nityam Padma-Hasta Mam Vasatu Grihe Sarva-Maangalya-Yukta॥
Mantra Translation: O Goddess Lakshmi, who sits upon a lotus flower, whose eyes are as beautiful and large as lotus petals, and who is adorned with a beautiful upper garment and decorated with garments made of fine cloth. You who have bathed with divine golden pitchers set with jewels, please, O lotus-armed Shri Lakshmi, dwell in my home forever and bestow upon me all fortune and good luck.
2. Aavahan
After meditating on Shri Bhagwati Lakshmi, one should chant the following mantra in front of the murti, using the Aavahan Mudra (a gesture made by joining both palms together with the thumbs folded inward).
Aagachchha Dev-Deveshi! Tejomayi Maha-Lakshmi!
Kriyamanam Maya Pujaam, Grihaan Sur-Vandite!
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devi Aavahayami ॥
Mantra Translation: O Goddess of the Gods! O radiant Maha Devi Lakshmi, revered by the deities! Please come and accept the Puja I offer. Thus, I invoke Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.
3. Pushpanjali Asana
After invoking Shri Lakshmi, take five flowers in Anjali (by joining both palms together) and place them in front of the murti to offer a seat to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Nana-Ratna-Samayuktam, Karta-Swar-Vibhushitam।
Aasanam Dev-Devesh! Preetyartham Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Aasanarthe Panch-Pushpani Samarpayami ॥
Mantra Translation: O Goddess of the Gods! Please accept the seat adorned with gold and various jewels, made for your pleasure. Thus, I offer these five flowers for the seat of Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.
4. Swagat
After offering the flower-decorated seat to Shri Bhagawati Lakshmi, chant the following mantra with folded hands to welcome Her.
Shri Lakshmi-Devi! Swagatam।
5. Padya
After welcoming Shri Lakshmi, offer her water to wash her feet while chanting the following mantra.
Padyam Grihaan Deveshi, Sarva-Kshema-Samarthe, Bhoh!
Bhaktya Samarpitam Devi, Maha-Lakshmi! Namoastu Te॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Padyam Namah ॥
Mantra Translation: O Goddess of the Gods, who is capable of all forms of benevolence! I offer this water for washing the feet with utmost devotion-please accept it. O Maha-Devi Lakshmi, I bow to You. Thus, this is the water for the feet of Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi, and I greet Her with reverence.
6. Arghya
After the Padya offering, provide water to Shri Lakshmi for the head Abhishekam while chanting the following mantra.
Namaste Dev-Deveshi! Namaste Kamal-Dharini!
Namaste Shri Maha-Lakshmi, Dhanada-Devi! Arghyam Grihaan।
Gandha-Pushpakshatairyuktam, Phal-Dravya-Samanvitam॥
Grihaan Toyamarghyarthan, Parameshwari Vatsale!
॥Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Arghyam Swaha॥
Mantra Translation: O Shri Lakshmi! I bow to You. I salute the Goddess of the Gods, who adorns the Lotus flower. O Goddess of wealth, I revere You. Please accept this water for the head Abhishekam. O supreme Goddess who brings welfare, accepts this water mixed with Chandan, flowers, and rice, along with fruit and other offerings. Thus, I present the Arghya to Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.
7. Snana
After the Arghya offering, present water to Shri Lakshmi for her bath while chanting the following mantra.
Snapitasi Maya Devi Tatha Shantim Kurushva Me॥
Adityavarne Tapasoadhijato Vanaspatistava Vrikshoatha Bilvah।
Tasya Phalani Tapasa Nudantu Mayantarayashcha Bahya Alakshmih।
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Jalasnanam Samarpayami ॥
8. Panchamrita Snana
After the bath (Snanam), offer a Panchamrita bath to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Dadhi Madhu Ghratashchaiva Payashcha Sharkarayutam।
Panchamritam Samanitam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥
Om Panchanadyah Saraswatimapiyanti Sasrotasah।
Saraswati Tu Panchadhasodeshebhavat Sarit॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Panchamritasnanam Samarpayami ॥
9. Gandha Snana
Now, offer a scented bath to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Om Malayachalasambhutam Chandanagarusambhavam।
Chandanam Devadeveshi Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Gandhasnanam Samarpayami ॥
10. Shuddha Snana
After the Gandhasnanam, provide a bath to Shri Lakshmi with pure water while chanting the following mantra.
Mandakinyastu Yadvari Sarvapapaharam Shubham।
Tadidam Kalpitam Tubhyam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Shuddhodakasnanam Samarpayami ॥
11. Vastra
Now offer Moli (मोली) as new clothes to Shri Lakshmi while chanting following Mantra.
Divyambaram Nutanam Hi Kshaumam Tvatimanoharam।
Diyamanam Maya Devi Grihana Jagadambike॥
Upaitu Mam Devasakhah Kirtishch Manina Saha।
Pradurbhuto Surashtreasmin Kirtimriddhi Dadatu Me॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Vastram Samarpayami ॥
12. Madhuparka
Now, offer honey and milk to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Om Kapilam Dadhi Kundendudhavalam Madhusamyutam।
Swarnapatrasthitam Devi Madhuparkam Grihana Bhoh॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Madhuparkam Samarpayami ॥
13. Abhushana
After offering Madhuparkam, present jewelry to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Ratnakankada Vaiduryamuktaharayutani Cha।
Suprasannena Manasa Dattani Swikurushwa Me॥
Kshuptipapasamalam Jyeshthamalakshmim Nashayamyaham।
Abhutimasamriddhim Cha Sarvannirnuda Me Grahat॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Abhushanani Samarpayami ॥
14. Raktachandana
After offering Abhushana (jewelry), present red sandalwood to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Om Raktachandanasammishram Parijatasamudbhavam
Maya Dattam Grihanashu Chandanam Gandhasamyutam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Raktachandanam Samarpayami ॥
15. Sindoor
Now, offer vermilion (Sindoor) to Shri Lakshmi for Tilak while chanting the following mantra.
Om Sinduram Raktavarnashcha Sinduratilakapriye।
Bhaktya Dattam Maya Devi Sinduram Pratigrihyatam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Sinduram Samarpayami ॥
16. Kumkuma
Now, offer Kumkuma as a symbol of Akhand Saubhagya to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Om Kumkumam Kamadam Divyam Kumkumam Kamarupinam।
Akhandakamasaubhagyam Kumkumam Pratigrihyatam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Kumkumam Samarpayami ॥
17. Abira-Gulala (Fragrant water)
Now, offer auspicious Abira-Gulala to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Abirashcha Gulalam Cha Chova-Chandanameva Cha।
Shringarartham Maya Dattam Grihana Parameshwari॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Abiragulalam Samarpayami ॥
18. Sugandhita Dravya
Now, offer incense to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Om Tailani Cha Sugandhini Dravyani Vividhani Cha।
Maya Dattani Lepartham Grihana Parameshwari॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Sugandhita Tailam Samarpayami ॥
19. Akshata
Offer unbroken rice to Shri Lakshmi while chanting following Mantra.
Akshatashcha Surashreshtha Kumkumaktah Sushobhitah।
Maya Nivedita Bhaktya Pujartham Pratigrihyatam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Akshatan Samarpayami ॥
20. Gandha-Samarpan/Chandan-Samarpan
Offer Chandan to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Shri-Khanda-Chandanam Divyam, Gandhaadayam Sumanoharam।
Vilepanam Maha-Lakshmi! Chandanam Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Chandanam Samarpayami ॥
Mantra Translation: O Maha Lakshmi! Please accept this delightful and fragrant sandal paste for anointing Your body. Thus, I offer sandal paste to Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.
21. Pushpa-Samarpan
Now, Offer flowers to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Yatha-Prapta-Ritu-Pushpaih, Vilva-Tulasi-Dalaishcha!
Pujayaami Maha-Lakshmi! Prasida Me Sureshwari!
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Pushpam Samarpayami ॥
Mantra Translation: O Maha Lakshmi! I worship You with the seasonal flowers, Vilva leaves, and basil leaves that are available. O Goddess of the Gods, please bestow Your blessings upon me. Thus, I offer these flowers to Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.
22. Anga-Pujan
Now, worship the deities who represent the various body parts of Shri Bhagawati Lakshmi. To do this, hold Gandha, Akshata, and Pushpa in your left hand and place them near the Shri Lakshmi murti with your right hand while chanting the following mantras.
Om Chapalaayai Namah Padau Pujayami।
Om Chanchalayai Namah Janunee Pujayami।
Om Kamalayai Namah Katim Pujayami।
Om Katyaayanyai Namah Naabhim Pujayami।
Om Jaganmatrai Namah Jatharam Pujayami।
Om Vishwa-Vallabhaayai Namah Vaksha-Sthalam Pujayami।
Om Kamala-Vaasinyai Namah Hastou Pujayami।
Om Kamala-Patrakshyai Namah Netra-Trayam Pujayami।
Om Shriyai Namah Shirah Pujayami।
23. Ashta-Siddhi Puja
Now, worship the Ashta-Siddhi near Shri Lakshmi. To do this, hold Gandha, Akshata, and Pushpa in your left hand and place them near the Shri Lakshmi murti with your right hand while chanting the following mantras.
Om Animne Namah। Om Mahimne Namah।
Om Garimne Namah। Om Laghimne Namah।
Om Praptyai Namah। Om Prakaamyai Namah।
Om Ishitaayai Namah। Om Vashitaayai Namah।
24. Ashta-Lakshmi Puja
After the Ashta-Siddhi Puja, perform the Ashta-Lakshmi Puja near the Pratima of Maha Lakshmi. This Puja should be conducted with Akshata, Chandan, and flowers while chanting the following mantra
Om Aadhya-Lakshmyai Namah। Om Vidya-Lakshmyai Namah।
Om Saubhagya-Lakshmyai Namah। Om Amrit-Lakshmyai Namah।
Om Kamalakshyai Namah। Om Satya-Lakshmyai Namah।
Om Bhoga-Lakshmyai Namah। Om Yoga-Lakshmyai Namah।
25. Dhoop-Samarpan
Now offer Dhoop to Shri Lakshmi while chanting following Mantra.
Vanaspati-Rasodbhuto Gandhaadhyah Sumanoharah।
Aaghreyah Sarva-Devanaam, Dhupoayam Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Dhoopam Samarpayami ॥
Mantra Translation: Please accept this beautiful, fragrant Dhoop made from tree sap, which is suitable for the gods to inhale. Thus, I offer this Dhoop to Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.
26. Deep-Samarpan
Now, offer the Deep to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Sajyam Varti-Sanyuktam Cha, Vahnina Yojitam Mayaa,
Deepam Grihaan Deveshi! Trailokya-Timirapaham।
Bhaktya Deepam Prayachchhaami, Shri Lakshmyai Paratparaayai।
Trahimam Niryaat Ghoraad, Deepoayam Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Deepam Samarpayami ॥
Mantra Translation: O Goddess of the Gods! Please accept this lamp filled with Ghee, lit with a cotton wick, which dispels darkness from the three worlds. I offer this lamp to the supreme Shri Lakshmi-Devi with full devotion. Thus, I present this Deepak to Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.
27. Naivedhya-Samarpan
Now, offer Naivedhya to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Sharkara-Khanda-Khadyaani, Dadhi-Ksheera-Ghritaani Cha।
Aaharo Bhakshya-Bhojyam Cha, Naivedhyam Prati-Grihyataam।
॥ Yathamshatah Shri Lakshmyai-Devyai Naivedhyam Samarpayami –
Om Pranaya Swaha। Om Apanaya Swaha।
Om Samanaya Swaha। Om Udanaya Swaha।
Om Vyanaya Swaha॥
Mantra Translation: Please accept this meal, which includes sweets made with sugar, along with other edible and drinkable items such as curd, milk, and Ghee. I offer this Naivedhya to Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi, who is worthy of it. Please accept it as sustenance for the five vital airs of the body: Praana, Apaan, Samaan, Udaan, and Vyaan.
28. Achamana-Samarpan/Jal-Samarpan
Now, offer water to Shri Lakshmi for Achamana while chanting the following mantra.
Tatah Paniyam Samarpayami Iti Uttaraposhanam।
Hasta-Prakshalanam Samarpayami। Mukh-Prakshalanam।
Karodvartanarthe Chandanam Samarpayami।
Mantra Translation: After the Naivedhya, I offer water for drinking and Achamana (sipping water from the palm for purification), as well as water for washing hands and face. Additionally, I offer sandal paste for anointing the hands.
29. Tambool-Samarpan
Now, offer Tambool (betel leaves with betel nuts) to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Poogi-Phalam Maha-Divyam, Naga-Valli-Dalairyutam।
Karpurailaa-Samayuktam, Tamboolam Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Mukh-Vasartham Poogi-Phalam-Yuktam Tamboolam Samarpayami ॥
Mantra Translation: O Goddess of the Gods, please accept this Tambool made with betel leaves, enriched with finely refined betel nuts, camphor, and cardamom. Thus, I offer this Tambool with betel nuts for the mouth refreshment of Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.
30. Dakshina
Now, offer Dakshina (a gift) to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Hiranya-Garbha-Garbhastham, Hema-Veejam Vibhaavasoh।
Ananta-Punya-Phaladamatah Shantim Prayachchha Me॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Suvarna-Pushpa-Dakshinaam Samarpayami ॥
Mantra Translation: O Goddess of the Gods! You who bestow boundless blessings, please grant me peace with this gold-filled Champak flower. Thus, I present this gold-like flower as a gift to Bhagawati Shri Lakshmi.
31. Pradakshina
Now, perform a symbolic Pradakshina (circumambulation from left to right around Shri Lakshmi) with flowers while chanting the following mantra.
Yani Yani Cha Papani, Janmantar-Kritani Cha।
Tani Tani Vinashyanti, Pradakshinam Pade Pade॥
Anyatha Sharanam Naasti, Tvameva Sharanam Devi!
Tasmaat kaarunya-Bhaven, Kshamasva Parameshwari॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Pradakshinam Samarpayami ॥
32. Vandana-Sahit Pushpanjali
Now, perform Vandana and offer flowers to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Kar-Kritam Vaa Kayajam Karmajam Vaa,
Shravan-Nayanajam Vaa Manasam Vaaparadham।
Viditamaviditam Vaa, Sarvametat Kshamasva,
Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe, Shri Maha-Lakshmi Trahi।
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Mantra-Pushpanjali Samarpayami ॥
33. Sashtanga-Pranam
Now, offer Sashtanga Pranam (a reverential bowing with all eight limbs) to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the following mantra.
Om Bhavani! Tvam Maha-Lakshmih Sarva-Kaam-Pradayini।
Prasannaa Santushtha Bhava Devi! Namostute।
॥ Anena Pujanena Shri Lakshmi-Devi Preeyataam, Namo Namah ॥
34. Kshama-Prarthana
Now, seek forgiveness from Shri Lakshmi for any known or unknown mistakes made during the Puja while chanting the following mantra.
Avahanam Na janami, Na Janami Visarjanam॥
Puja-Karma Na Janami, Kshamasva Parameshwari॥
Mantra-Heenam Kriya-Heenam, Bhakti Heenam Sureshwari!
Maya Yat-Poojitam Devi! Paripoornam Tadastu Me॥
Anena Yatha-Militopachaara-Dravyai Krita-Poojanena Shri Lakshmi-Devi Preeyataam
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Arpanamastu ॥
With this procedure, One has completed the Puja of Godess Lakshmi. One should be taking blessings from the elders at home, consume the Prasadams and should be doing annadhanam (offering rice) to the poor and needy as per one’s power.
ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय। तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय। मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय। ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति: ॥
The Tradition of Sarees during Diwali Lakshmi Puja

Sarees, with their timeless elegance, play a significant role in Diwali celebrations. Wearing a saree not only enhances the festive spirit but also honours the rich cultural heritage of India. Here’s how you can incorporate sarees into your Diwali celebration:
1. Choose the Right Saree: Selecting the right saree adds to the significance of Lakshmi Puja. Classic silk sarees like Kanjivarams and Banarasi in rich colours like red, gold, or green are ideal for the occasion. These sarees exude luxury and align with the festive spirit. Alternatively, opulent brocade sarees with intricate zari work or elegant chiffon and georgette sarees in vibrant shades offer a blend of tradition and modernity. If you prefer a contemporary twist, lehenga sarees can also be a stylish option. Shop premium sarees online at www.singhanias.in
2. Accessorize Thoughtfully: Pair your saree with traditional jewelry such as gold bangles, earrings, and necklaces. A well-chosen set of accessories can elevate your look and add to the festive ambiance.
3. Dress Up for the Occasion: On the day of Lakshmi Puja, drape your saree with care, making sure to style it elegantly. A well-draped saree adds grace and poise, aligning with the reverence of the puja ceremony. Buy premium lehengas at https://singhaniaswardrobe.com/
4. Family Tradition: Encourage family members to join in the tradition of wearing sarees. This collective embrace of traditional attire not only enhances the festive atmosphere but also strengthens family bonds.
Lakshmi Puja on Diwali is a beautiful occasion to invite prosperity and celebrate the divine presence of Goddess Lakshmi. By following the rituals with devotion and incorporating the tradition of wearing sarees, you honour both the spiritual and cultural aspects of the festival. As you perform the puja and don your finest saree, may your home be filled with light, joy, and the blessings of the goddess.